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Southwest Kansas Faith and Family

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Southwest Kansas Faith and Family is a monthly newspaper dedicated to sharing the Word of God and news and information that honors Christian beliefs and family traditions and values that are the cornerstone of our nation. It is the belief of the publisher that we are "one nation under God" and that the rich history of Southwest Kansas as well as the United States cannot be separated from this founding statement. The Publisher will not knowingly endorse nor condemn any individual denominational beliefs. Rather, the Publisher believes that healthy sharing of our "similarities and accomplishments" can enlighten and enforce every individual's own Christian beliefs, and possibly shed a new light to readers who may not yet profess Christianity.


Press releases are welcome and encouraged from all local, regional and national Christian organizations as well as non-Christian organizations with founding beliefs in the value of the family. All national news is obtained from legitimate Christian and family news sources. The Publisher encourages readers to submit articles for publication dealing with any Christian or family issue. However, the Publisher reserves the right to edit or reject any submitted item that is questionable when viewed from the Christian/family perspective.


The publication is distributed freely to any Christian Church in the trade area. Present distribution is 8,700 copies. The publication date is the last Thursday of the month (holidays may require exceptions). Free copies are also available various outlets with public access. Paid annual subscriptions by mail are available for $25 for 12 months.


Southwest Kansas Faith and Family receives no financial support from any individual or denominational sources. The only income comes from paid subscribers and advertising. Advertising will be solicited and appreciated from any and all Christian and family organizations as well as businesses and organizations within the communities served. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit any advertising that is questionable when viewed from the Christian/family perspective.


Stan Wilson was born and reared in a Christian home in Odessa, Texas. After receiving a B.A. in Journalism, I spent my professional career in the newspaper industry advancing to become publisher for the Atchison, Kansas Daily Globe for 6 years. I quit my "real" job in August 2001 to take a "leap of faith" in starting Southwest Kansas Faith and Family.

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Stan Wilson, Owner and Publisher